Workshop "Distributed Ledger Technologies"

The workshop “Distributed Ledger Technologies”, an interesting training on blockchain, conducted by specialists of the BISITE Research Group of the University of Salamanca on the 14th November 2023. The workshop was organised in the framework of the INNO4CFIS project, an initiative that seeks to modernize and streamline the process of trading carbon credits using innovative digital technologies.

Blockchain technology plays a major role in the INNO4CFIS project, where it will be applied thanks to the experience of the BISITE Group in this field. The tasks include the implementation of green blockchain technologies, the establishment of methods for secure and efficient transactions, the exchange of carbon credits, the signing of smart contracts and the creation of a certification scheme for carbon credits.

Workshop proceedings

In addition, the workshop examined the problem of “Byzantine generals”, a key concept for understanding how decentralised systems can reach consensus despite the presence of failed or malicious nodes. This problem is especially relevant in the context of blockchain networks, where trust and security are critical. Additionally, BITTORRENT was discussed as an example of a decentralised file sharing protocol, demonstrating how P2P technologies can work efficiently on a large scale and in untrusted environments. BITTORRENT illustrates the robustness of decentralised networks and how they can effectively distribute resources and data without a centralised server.

Bitcoin, Ethereum and DLTs

Bitcoin was used as a prime example to explain the foundations of digital currencies, covering everything from the generation of hashes to the implementation of elliptic curve algorithms, essential elements for the security and integrity of the blockchain.

The workshop then delved deeper into Ethereum, examining its distinct functionalities, especially the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), which is central to the execution of smart contracts. These smart contracts are self-executing programs that carry out agreements registered on the blockchain, and are a vital part of Ethereum’s infrastructure.

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